Help us get to Chicago!

In April of 2020, the entire Duke Ellington Instrumental Department will be headed to Chicago to compete in the prestigious Festival of Gold. This is a wonderful opportunity for our students to compete against some of the best high school musicians in the nation. But getting to Chicago will take some serious fundraising (over $800/student to cover transportation and hotel)! To help us get to Chicago, we are selling delicious fruit from Florida as a fundraiser.

Students can sell fruit and the profits will go toward their trip costs. We hope friends and families of Duke Instrumental students will purchase some fruit. Here is a copy of the fruit brochure that students can distribute to friends and family:

The brochure is also available via this website.

There are three ways people can purchase fruit:

1) They can pay the student in cash.

2) They can pay the student via a check made out to It’s Instrumental

3) They can pay via the fruit website (and indicate the student’s name in the online form).

When students are done with their sales, they should give the order forms and all checks/cash to Mr. Daniel, our department director.

Forms and money are due to Mr. Daniel by November 20 (this is a hard deadline!).

The fruit company will deliver all the fruit to Duke Ellington in early December. Students/parents will need to come to Duke on that day to pick up the fruit that they sold and deliver to the folks who ordered. We will get you the date as soon as we have it.

If you have any questions, please contact one of the following fruit sale coordinators:
Cydne Nash  
Pamela Jones
Susan Courtney
