October 18, 2019 – Members of the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra String Quintet perform with DESA’s String Orchestra

The Melbourne Symphony Orchestra’s October 2019 residency at Duke Ellington School of the Arts was, indeed, a very special testament to the significant influence professional musicians have on our student musicians.  The residency included two days of workshops led by members of the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra and an opportunity to attend the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra’s performance at the Kennedy Center.  The culminating event of the residency was a concert where members of the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra performed with the Duke Ellington School of the Arts String Orchestra. The concert also included small ensemble performances by Trio Giovanni, Virtusoi and a special ensemble performance by the members of the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra String Quintet. 

The members of the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra who led the workshops and performed with the students could not have been more generous with their time, knowledge and insight.  The members of the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra expressed that they found the student’s eagerness to learn, inquisitive questions and penchant for tackling challenging pieces inspirational. A very special bond was built during this residency and our students’ paths and perspectives forever touched by the grace of the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra members. 

The residency was led by:

Melbourne Symphony Orchestra String Quintet Members:
Sarah Curro, violin
Kirstin Kenny, violin
Anthony Chataway, viola
Rohan de Korte, cello
Stephen Newton, double bass

The Melbourne Symphony Orchestra residency at Duke Ellington School of the Arts was courtesy of Washington Performing Arts.  

It is with our deepest gratitude that we thank the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra and String Quintet members and Washington Performing Arts.     

Photo Credit:  Many of the photos in the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra Residency photo gallery are courtesy of the Australian Embassy.


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