On September 12, 2019, Duke Ellington School of the Art’s Radical Elite Show Band performed at the opening of the Congressional Black Caucus’ Annual Legislative Conference Exhibit Showcase.  Over 200 corporate, government, non-profits and small business entities filled the Exhibit Showcase and provided an opportunity to learn about businesses, advanced technology, finance, artisans, health and wellness and African American scholars, poets and authors.  

Members of Duke Ellington School of the Arts Radical Elite Show Band at the Congressional Black Caucus Exhibit Showcase.

Prior to the opening of the Exhibit Showcase, there was a brief ribbon cutting ceremony.  Radical Elite played right after the ribbon cutting ceremony and marched throughout the pathways of the Exhibit Showcase in superior form.  While Radical Elite’s march through the aisles was enticing and attention-grabbing, it was the stage show that truly captivated the audience.  There were whoops, hollers, atta-boys and atta-girls throughout the performance. The crowd danced, clapped, cheered and gave Radical Elite tremendously positive energy and support. 

Duke Ellington School of the Arts Radical Elite Show Band prepares to march and perform at the Congressional Black Caucus Exhibit Showcase.

It was obvious by the comments, overheard in passing after the show, that Radical Elite had left an indelible impression on the attendees and upheld and even elevated the high esteem in which Duke Ellington School of the Arts is held.  Those in attendance will not soon forget, WE ARE DUKE!

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